Friday, November 6, 2009


Is Working Out of the House The Same As Creating a Business?

BusinessWeek: "Ralph Blanchard

Nov 5, 2009 1:01 PM GMT
There is a big difference between working out of the house and creating a business. Most home workers are a one-man/woman band. If they get hit by a truck there is nothing left. They don't really have a business until they have something that can function smoothly when they are not around. When that happens, the value (as in future value when sold) of their business skyrockets and they begin the create some real wealth. There is nothing wrong with earning a living working from home but let's not confuse that with creating a true business."

Very well stated. It's certainly not that these businesses are not important, they clearly are very important. It is merely that distinction of what value gets created in a company. As solo operators, home-based businesses generally don't build value above what the owner/operator may generate in income. There are exceptions of course. Still, it doesn't mean that some home-based entrepreneurs don't make fabulous income and enjoy an incredible quality of life.

M. Stacey

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